Monday, December 29, 2008

Yummy Homemade Healthy Dog Food


Something I have started doing is feeding my Yorkies Homemade Healthy Dog Food. I just couldn't get over worrying about what was in the food they were eating so I decided to start feeding them what I make so I know exactly what is in the food.

I was inspired by Doris, a woman I met at King Soopers (my local grocery store). Every evening at 7:30pm the store puts their cooked chicken on sale. My husband loves the fried chicken so I try to get up there once a week or so and buy him a box of it. One night as I was getting my husbands fried Chicken I noticed a woman buying four rotisserie chickens. They also go on sale in the evening. I commented that she must like chicken and she said "No, I feed it to my dogs. It is the only thing I have ever given them, chicken, rice and veggies." She said her vet said it was the best thing she could feed her dogs and that her dogs live to be 15+ years of age. Inspired I came home to see if I could find anything on the internet about homemade dog food.

Sometimes I crack myself up. I thought I was the first person to ever think of this. Please. I did a Google search and came up with 430,000 hits. Wow, I was overwhelmed. There are even dog food cookbooks, ebooks and lots more.

Basically you can get pretty fancy but according to Doris the best thing to feed them is brown organic rice, chicken or turkey and veggies (carrots or green beans are my two fur children's favorites). I cook the rice in my rice cooker using chicken stock and I throw in fresh carrots if I am using them and let them cook right along with the rice. I usually fix two cups of rice. I then cook or use the cooked chicken I have, tear or cut it into small pieces. Once the rice is cooked and cooled I mix the rice and carrots, or other veggies if I am using them (if not using fresh organic veggies that I cook I use organic canned veggies) and chicken together. I measure out about two cups which last them about 3 days and I freeze the rest in small batches.

That is pretty much it. It doesn't take a lot of time and they seem to really love it. I feel better about what they are eating and I am not having any problems with digestion with them as I was in the past.

There are lots of sites on the Internet that have pretty fancy recipes however I think I will stick with my simple one for now.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your work. But that was funny when you said that you were the only one to think of it. HAAHHHHHHAAAA