Saturday, June 14, 2008

If your dog is fat you are not getting enough excercise

There is a big connection between our fur children and our own life styles. If your dog is fat chances are so are you, at least according to a recent article I read. And if your dog is fat that is also a sign you are not getting enough exercise! One of the greatest things about having a dog is they love to walk, well most of them do. My little Yorkie Muffassa hated to walk, although he loved to go on carryies (that is where I walked and he was carried).

All the books on Yorkies will tell you they love to walk, and except for my spoiled little Muffassa I would say that is true. I take Buddy and Surrobbie for a 45 minute walk every morning. They love it. For them it is an adventure. They get to see and smell all kinds of new things. According to "Adventurous Yorkies love a long walk once or twice a day. It's healthy for him to get out and move his muscles. Even if you have a yard, it's important to go for long walks. Exercise will keep your dog's heart strong so that he lives for a long time. Make sure he wears a leash, though, because some Yorkies like to chase things!"

Always have your Yorkie on a leash. Those little guys can run fast and they can be out in the middle of the road and hit by a car before you know it.

Research shows that owning a dog is actually a great way to reduce your weight. People are more likely to keep up an exercise regiment when they have a dog to walk then if they are doing something on their own.

So take a look at your dog and if she is looking a little pudgy, it is time for you to get some exercise!

Love my Yorkie,

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