Thursday, June 12, 2008

Remove Temptation

My little fur person, Buddy, decided that chewing on my leather backpack purse that I store in my office closet was fun. I tried scolding him, moving him and even reasoning with him. Nothing seemed to work. Whenever Buddy could get to the backpack, he would start chewing on it. After several days of trying to dissuade him from this behavior, I decided to remove the temptation. I moved the backpack from the bottom shelf in the closet to the top shelf. Now Buddy can't see or reach the backpack, and he has moved on to other things.

The best thing to do if you don't want your Yorkie to chew something is remove it. I call this "Buddy Proofing" the house. Don't leave things like expensive shoes laying around. Your Yorkie doesn't know the difference between a chew toy and a pair of expensive leather shoes.

Make sure you have plenty of Yorkie Toys laying around. This way your Yorkie will have plenty to chew on that is acceptable and not be so tempted by what isn't.

Use the command "Leave it." Anytime your Yorkie starts going for or is chewing on something she shouldn't be say "Leave it." This command can be taught by putting something in front of your Yorkie and saying "Leave it." Practice until they understand the command. When your Yorkie does indeed "Leave it" praise her by saying "Good leave it."

Love my Yorkie

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